How to Become a Christian

Salvation is God's gift of grace, beyond human attainment. Through His wisdom, God has shown us specific steps in the New Testament to access His saving grace. Following these steps reveals the path to salvation as God designed.

Step 1: Hear The Gospel

The path to salvation starts with hearing God’s word (Rom. 10:17). This involves more than just listening; it’s about absorbing and embracing God’s message. Through the Gospel, we come to know Christ’s divinity and sacrifice, leading us to the essential belief in Him.

Step 2: Believe in Jesus Christ

Having faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is fundamental to salvation (John 3:16, Heb. 11:6). This trust acknowledges Him as our Savior, urging us to transform our lives. It goes beyond mere acceptance, motivating us toward repentance.

Step 3: Repent of Sin

Repentance is more than regret; it’s a pledge to follow Christ’s path (Acts 17:30, Luke 13:3). This change of heart and mind aligns our lives with God’s purpose. It strengthens our bond with God, guiding us to follow the next step of salvation, confession.

Step 4: Confess Faith in Christ

Publicly proclaiming Jesus as Lord reinforces our faith (Rom. 10:9-10). This step fulfills God’s command, confirms our dedication, and sets the stage for the act of baptism.

Step 5: Be Baptized

Baptism, through water immersion, mirrors Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection (Rom. 6:3-4). It cleanses us from sin and bestows the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 22:16; 2:38). This action marks our entry into Christ’s church and symbolizes our new life of faithful living.

Step 6: Live Faithfully

Living faithfully means constantly seeking to emulate Christ (Rev. 2:10, Matt. 28:18-20). It’s a lifelong process of growing in faith and obedience. The goal is ongoing alignment with Christ, sustained by His loving grace.

Ready for the Next Step?

If you are searching for salvation and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, we at North Terrace are here to walk with you.

Considering Baptism?

You can get baptized at North Terrace church of Christ. It’s the beginning of your relationship with God, and we’ll be with you every step of the way.

Want to Learn More?

A custom Bible study helps you explore more and ask any questions you have. Learn from an experienced Bible teacher to better understand and feel sure about your path to salvation.

It’s time to access God’s saving grace. Reach out now!

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